Website Advertising
Brides and Grooms use the Internet
The selling power of the Internet is indisputable. Thousands of brides and grooms use the Internet to help locate local wedding professionals and products. Get this huge marketplace focused on your business by advertising on our Internet Web Site. Increase your business while couples go on-line and discover your unique offerings -- all year long, 24 hours a day.
We Spend Thousands Getting Them to See You
We spend thousands promoting our Web Site to local brides and grooms using extensive broadcast, print, and Internet search engine advertising. Once we get them to our site, we make it easy for them to find your business.
Become A Site Sponsor
If you're the kind of person that understands the value of a premium booth space at a trade show, the market leader perception of a back cover display ad, or the frenzied exposure of a sweepstakes giveaway, you should become a
Site Sponsor . A Site Sponsor Banner Advertisement appears on every page of our site. Clicking on the banner ad takes the bride or groom directly to your web site. Site Sponsors may also provide giveaways in our Sweepstakes Page for even more exposure.
If you want to become a Site Sponsor you better hurry, because we only give out five, and each is exclusive to a service category (only one Photographer, Caterer, etc., is granted).
For questions and pricing, call 972-713-9920.